Friday, March 24, 2023

Cats in Family

 Live with Cats happy & stress free

Cats have been domesticated animals for thousands of years, and they have become one of the most beloved pets in the world. While cats are known for their independent nature, they can also be incredibly affectionate and playful, which makes them wonderful companions for those looking for a furry friend. What's more, research has shown that cats can also help to keep you happy and stress-free. In this article, we will explore some of the ways in which cats can bring joy and relaxation to your life.


One of the primary benefits of having a cat is the companionship they offer. Cats are social animals, and they often form strong bonds with their owners. They love to be around people, and they enjoy cuddling and playing with their human companions. Having a cat in your life can provide you with a sense of purpose and a feeling of being needed, which can be incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.

Stress Relief

Cats are excellent stress relievers. They have a calming effect on their owners, and studies have shown that petting a cat can lower your blood pressure and reduce stress levels. This is because when you pet a cat, your brain releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that can help to boost your mood and reduce anxiety.


Cats are funny animals, and they can provide you with plenty of entertainment and laughter. From chasing their tails to pouncing on toys, cats are natural comedians, and their antics can bring a smile to your face even on the toughest of days. Laughing is a natural stress reliever, and spending time with your cat can help you to unwind and forget about your worries for a while.


Caring for a cat requires a certain amount of responsibility, and this can be beneficial for your mental health. When you have a cat, you need to feed them, clean their litter box, and provide them with attention and affection. This can give you a sense of purpose and a feeling of accomplishment, which can be particularly important if you are struggling with depression or anxiety.


Cats are natural born hunters, and their playful antics can provide endless entertainment for their human companions. Whether it's chasing a toy mouse or pouncing on a piece of string, watching your cat play can help to lift your mood and bring a sense of fun and playfulness into your day.

Cats in Indian culture

Indians are highly superstitious people and they consider cats as a symbol of bad luck. If any cat cross the way of an Indians person that consider as a threat that something coming bed soon.

Screaming of the cats also consider as a notifications that worst is coming in near future, thus most of people kill this wonderful animal in many parts of the country. Most of the Indian cats steal foods because they don’t trust to most of the people and always scared if someone approach to them. Mrs. Farzana Khan who is a house wife adopted 2 cats for his 10 year old son who desperately want some pet to play. Mrs. Kha said “My son always feel loneness as he is the only son and my husband job is out the country so I decide to adopted couple of cats who was only 1 moth old kitten & we named them Loomi & Looci. I have a scary feeling at the time I adopted them but soon I settled with them and my son really love the kitten & play lots with them”. But it wasn’t easy for Mrs. Khan as most of the neighbor was very superstitious for the cats and it was dangerous for the pet as they go out the home as the most of the stray cats want to visit outside home. “Living with the cats such a wonderful experience at the pets keeps you stress free and busy, my son is very happy to live with the pets, he always play with them and always care them as Mrs. Khan mentioned.

So keep the cats as a pet in your house is not just a hobby but also there are many wonderful scientific facts that help to keep you happy, stress free and also help to maintain a lighter mood of the family members.  

For cats & others pets animal videos and their welfare visit the Youtube channel:

To know more about animal welfare visit


  1. Such a nice information about the cats, it's true that if you have cats as a pet, it's defiantly help to keep the family happy & stressful.

  2. Cats are very good pets & very beneficial for the human kind, if you do not pet them at least care them & provide food & water.

  3. Playing with Cat can turn your bad day into a good one.

    1. Yes you're correct, when they see you as you return to home they come to you.

  4. Liked the way the writer articulated the entire article on Cats. The information was thought provoking. Love Cats

  5. Wonderful Information


Cats breeds

Few wonderful Cats breeds